Monthly Archives: March 2011

Nananaa- Batman!

No, I’m not really a Batman fan.  But I think this is oh, so adorable. : )

Step [in]side the box.

My photography teacher is a creative genius.  She came up with this great idea to create a box of 10′ x 10′.  And I had to stand within this box, not move outside of it, and take pictures.

It was fun.  And I think I got some great results. : )

{|} That’s how things roll in Georgia. : )

Yes.  I haven’t posted in a while.
Yes.  I have an excuse.
Yes.  I’ve been über darn busy.
And yes.  I still have pictures to show for the time I’ve been gone. ; )

These photos are all from the time I spent a few weeks ago in Georgia for a national open debate tournament.  It was absolutely fabulous, and I wish I could go through it all over again. : ))

I got to meet so many new people and strengthen old friendships.  It was pretty much an amazing experience. Jussayin’.

To all of those that made it epic: thank you.  You have no idea how awesome I think you are. : D

And without further ado, here’s a mini swarm of pictures from down South.  Not all are perfect, since I had to work with little light at some points.  But I like them overall. : )

[Oh, and for some reason, all the pictures are showing up in backwards order.  I’m not sure why, but whatever. : P ]

[Oh] Brotherrrr

Mi madre wanted me to take some pictures of my bro.  Remember?  The guitar fanatic guy?  Yep.  So, I did.
[Oh, and he does play guitar like a beast:  And I designed the website.  Jussayin’.]

Anywho, here are some snapshots of the mini-event.  Not my best work, but that’s fine, I guess.

Sisterrrr. : )) [Oh, and I’m back!]

Yeah, I’ve been gone about two weeks.  But I’m back now.  Hope you all missed me. ; )

I took a few photoshoots since last time I posted, so I’ll try to split it all up into individual posts.

First topic: My sister!  She’s so adorable.  She always runs to me saying, “MY BUDDY!” ❤

(Did I overexpose here? Yes. Do I like it anyway? Definitely. : ))

I like this too. : )

Sleepyhead. Hehe.