Tag Archives: pink


The fault is mine.

And the pleasure isn’t.

I’m sorry I’ll always remain imperfect.


Describe it?

A dancing fairy is the most accurate comparison.

::soft focus::

Stop for a second.

Things are out of focus.

And I’m afraid if I blink, you’ll be gone.

…hang in there…

If you fall, how long will it be before I hit the ground as well?

::eye candy::

This makes me happy.  & bokeh is one of my most favorite things in the world. : )

::perfect gift::

I was assigned the concept of “perfect gift” to illustrate for photography class.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that the most perfect gift one could give is their heart.  We have flowers called “Bleading Hearts” which I thought pictured the concept nicely.

Also, what I think is very interesting about these flowers is that they open up after a while–just the same as many peoples’ hearts.  Flowers are delicate–just like a young, innocent heart.

{ If You’re everything You say you are \ Will You come close and hold my heart? }

Nananaa- Batman!

No, I’m not really a Batman fan.  But I think this is oh, so adorable. : )