Tag Archives: exposure


The stars do not create your values.

You set your values as guidelines to light your way.

So please, choose them wisely.

::in between::

There are chills outside.

& warmth inside.

We’re trapped in both worlds.

Sisterrrr. : )) [Oh, and I’m back!]

Yeah, I’ve been gone about two weeks.  But I’m back now.  Hope you all missed me. ; )

I took a few photoshoots since last time I posted, so I’ll try to split it all up into individual posts.

First topic: My sister!  She’s so adorable.  She always runs to me saying, “MY BUDDY!” ❤

(Did I overexpose here? Yes. Do I like it anyway? Definitely. : ))

I like this too. : )

Sleepyhead. Hehe.


Our neighbors own a hawk, which is pretty cool.  I finally got around to photographing her the other day.  Wow, it was awesome. : ))  I mean, how often do you get to take pictures of a hawk from less then a foot away?

[[There and Back Again]]

Yes, I have emerged from the grave.

Actually, I haven’t quite revived yet.  In between a speech and debate tournament [in which my partner and I placed 4th!], college applications, and schoolwork, my free-time this week was more scarce than snow on the equator.

In other words, dear readers, I have failed to keep up my challenge.

I hoped it wouldn’t happen.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.

This does NOT mean that I haven’t taken quite a few pictures over the past week.  In fact, I have quite a few.  So I’ll dump them on you now. : )

I’ll keep on posting here frequently, but I doubt I’ll be able to continue the blog as an official 365 photoblog.  Or I could possibly strive to restart in February.  Hm, maybe I’ll do just that…

I tried another Christmas lights photo. && I like this one even more. : )

The absolutely fabulous Caroline (and her photos will leave you stunned, no joke)


I had fun with long exposure on our road. : ))

…and I like this too.

Panning. At about midnight. Because my creativity was drained.

[[Le deuxième jour]]

So, the sun was going down and I realized I hadn’t done anything artistic today.  So I cleaned a mirror, dragged my younger brother outside [who happens to be taller than me now…how’d that happen, again?], and took a few shots.  The pictures kind of serve a double-purpose because my photography teacher is requiring portrait shots this week.  Except for the fact they all turned out a little bit dark because there was next to no available light, I liked how they turned out.  [All photos are SOOC]

And now I have to submit one of them for photography class.  Any preferences?

I love how you wouldn’t be able to tell ^that is a self-portrait unless I told you.  Like I just did. : P

Ghostliness? || Creepalicious~

Yes, creepalicious happens to one of my favorite non-existent words.  Don’t ask me why.

I think it adequately describes this picture.

Anyway, it snowed, and I tried a ghosting effect.  It worked okay.  I have a hard time getting it to focus on me, and not the background.  But I still like how this looks.  A little spooky, hm?

[Slightly edited in Picnik]

Long Exposure/&/Turquoise

Along with beautiful light, I love long exposure pictures when I can get them.  This was taken around 9:30-ish PM.  I love the brilliant turquoise of the water.
: )

{First Rays of Morning~

Going out of town really gives you the opportunity to take a lot of pictures you might not usually take at home.   I managed to get up early enough one morning to get some really beautiful light from the sunrise.  Perhaps sunrise/sunset beach scenes are a bit overdone, but I still love the colors and beauty from them. : )

Ah, backlight on the clouds. ❤

W'hello, bird.

I love the silhouette here.

The Dark [K]night

I love playing with light.  A whole bunch.  This is one of my favorite experimentations with it.  I lit a candle, made my little brother put his Batman costume on, and placed him next to the light.  I had to set up my tripod for this one, since I was shooting at night.  Since it was rather dark out, I had to work with a slower shutter speed and pray that my brother wouldn’t move.  : P

Well, he did.  But I managed to get at least one really good picture before he lost his concentration.