Tag Archives: Christmas


Despite the struggles.

I am lavishly blessed.

All because an infant came to save the world.

Merry Christmas.


And peace be with you.

[[There and Back Again]]

Yes, I have emerged from the grave.

Actually, I haven’t quite revived yet.  In between a speech and debate tournament [in which my partner and I placed 4th!], college applications, and schoolwork, my free-time this week was more scarce than snow on the equator.

In other words, dear readers, I have failed to keep up my challenge.

I hoped it wouldn’t happen.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.

This does NOT mean that I haven’t taken quite a few pictures over the past week.  In fact, I have quite a few.  So I’ll dump them on you now. : )

I’ll keep on posting here frequently, but I doubt I’ll be able to continue the blog as an official 365 photoblog.  Or I could possibly strive to restart in February.  Hm, maybe I’ll do just that…

I tried another Christmas lights photo. && I like this one even more. : )

The absolutely fabulous Caroline (and her photos will leave you stunned, no joke)


I had fun with long exposure on our road. : ))

…and I like this too.

Panning. At about midnight. Because my creativity was drained.

[Day 4]

So, yes, this is late.  But I legitimately took these photos on the correct date.  I just didn’t upload them on time.  In other words, this still counts. ; )

ALSO,  _some_ people seem to think :coughmom&auntcough: that the last photos look like organs or something…  Well, I apologize if they looked like that to you as well, but they are most definitely mints. : P

Alright, photos.  I took these at night [no duh], and boosted up the aperture so I’d get rays of light off of the Christmas lights.  Shutter speed was 30 seconds.
[Photos SOOC]

|| Peppermint Winter

I love Owl City.  And Adam’s newest song “Peppermint Winter” is no exception.  After listening to it multiple times and after it snowing, I had to take a picture of it.  I like how it turned out. : )

Everyone, I hope you have a wonderfully merry Christmas. ❤

[[This peppermint winter is so bittersweet \ I don’t need to taste to believe \ What’s December without Christmas Eve?]]