Tag Archives: heart



Oh, there’s definitely room for you in my heart.

I’m just not sure where to place you.

::perfect gift::

I was assigned the concept of “perfect gift” to illustrate for photography class.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that the most perfect gift one could give is their heart.  We have flowers called “Bleading Hearts” which I thought pictured the concept nicely.

Also, what I think is very interesting about these flowers is that they open up after a while–just the same as many peoples’ hearts.  Flowers are delicate–just like a young, innocent heart.

{ If You’re everything You say you are \ Will You come close and hold my heart? }


I’ve lately developed a love for collages and mixed media.  Well, at least when using graphic programs that is. : P

I got almost all the photos used in this project from just searching photos online for other projects.  My favorite picture is the one of the boy and the bird cage.  It makes me happy in a sad sort of way.
Oh,  yeah.  I love hugs. ; )